Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Happy Christmas Eve ya'll,

       I'm sure that some of you are busy ,celebrating with family and friends, some are lucky enough to be in the glorious company of babies and children. I envy all of you!

This has been one of the longest days of our lives. I woke up late ,at 8:30 due to my husbands insomnia ,and him watching TV, half the night. 

My face is broken out like the "before" kid on an acne infomercial,and my spouse just split his nose open on the hatchback of the car.I think perhaps we should avoid posing for any Christmas photos.

Here in Denmark, today, tomorrow AND the next day are all public holidays. Meaning, the mail didn't run ,hubbys major gift is sitting at the post office ,undelivered, everything is closed,except maybe a 7-11 type store ...until TUESDAY!

In the last two days I have read,

        This one was readable but a little out there.Wouldn't reccomend it ,unless you're really bored.

  This one was pretty good. I don't usually read Steven King because he's a little too wordy. This book looked smaller so I got it. It was actually 4 LONG short stories.


It's now Christmas day  about 2 P.M.

We just opened our presents . Woot!

The turkey is on the smoker and by the way, the turkey was the ONLY turkey I could find. It was frozen when I bought it and said "French Turkey" well , when hubby opened it up the gross thing still had feathers all over it and it's skin was half way split off. It was like some hideous zombie turkey.

Apparently French turkeys don't pluck. Appetizing ,oui?

I think I'll pass on that skin! I still have to make Stuffing, sweet potatos , mashed potatos ,gravy and some veggie. Then we will have to take a little drive and see if we can find any store that's open. We are fresh out of Happy hour!

I hope each of you has a very Merry Christmas!

                                     Luv me


  1. Ho ho ho! Call your chillins. Love you!

  2. Acne and nosebleeds. Sounds exciting.... not. We did have Christmas Eve with family and children. I wish you were closer so you could too. We love you. Merry Christmas.

  3. Merry Christmas ! Love the kittehs ! Princess loves the hat and scarf!

  4. Love the Christmas cat pics The one at top would make a great Christmas card. Hope your turkey tasted better than it looks. G5
